Apparently, you repeat what you're taught, and don't think for yourself.
Do you know what sets a scientist apart from the rest? Questioning everything and be able to work things out for yourself, regardless what they taught you 'at school'. How ironic, that you refer to Christians, when in your reaction, you just state what you've been taught... like a good Christian!
You think Sabine Hossenfelder is ignorant? I am so glad real scientists do exist.
And no, complex numbers do NOT exist everywhere in nature. You just made that up! Even negative numbers don't exist in nature, there is no negative temperature, no negative pressure, no negative gravity or negative... anything! Quantities of anything are always absolute and positive, it is the direction (or operation) that makes them negative. You owe me ten Euro's (I live in Europe, sorry...) ? That's minus ten on my balance but plus ten on yours (just a matter of relative perspective). But it's a real ten Euro bill that I owe you, not a negative one.
Yes, i shows up in the Schrödinger equation because it is in the end just a beautiful way of describing a wave function but only because in a vector space everything revolves around zero, so you will by definition hit negative numbers. So we need i here, but only because of this flaw in mathematics. But if indices were used for all directions instead of plus and minus signs 4left squared would result in 16left, just like 4right squared would result in 16right. Mirror perfect, no need for complex numbers.
Negative numbers are positive numbers to an observer from the other side, so there should be symmetry, a operation in any direction should yield the same result as in other directions (consider CP and CPT symmetries).
I'm sorry for you but indeed, i is just a mathematical hack it is called an 'imaginary number' for a reason.