I started reading your book, I share your thoughts about the infinite universe and was hoping on some new valuable insights. Alas, I got very disappointed from page 38 where apparently you introduce the aether and 'aether particles' as an explanation of light waves. You even compare them with sound waves.
Sound waves spread out in 3D space like ripples in a pond and die out after relatively short distances. Their energy diminishes according to the inverse square law. That this is not true for light one can easily proof by a flashlight in the dark.
When waves travel in a medium, it is the medium that holds the information about direction and frequency. Now throw five stones at once in a pool and watch the ripples propagate. The waves will interfere and cancel each other out. What remains on the surface of the pond is a chaotic wave pattern. No clear direction or frequency can be observed after some time.
Now consider this next thought experiment. Go to any place in the universe and look around. What do you see? From all directions light will hit your eye (or measuring device for that matter) at any moment. That means that in every conceivable spot in the entire universe light - how far away from galaxy clusters you might be - light travels through that spot (or any spot) from any direction at once. Think about it for a minute and think about what that implies.
If at any time in any place of the universe light is visible that MUST mean that the universe is NOT empty but basically a light soup. There are light waves/particles passing through any spot at any time. So much for ‘empty’ space! But now the question, are these light particles or light waves?
Consider it to be waves that propagate in a medium. What does that mean? That means this medium (aether as you name it) must transfer all information about all the waves that pass through at once. Any speck of 'aether' must be able to process whatever amount of light passes through, from whatever direction, with whatever frequency and whatever polarization! Yes, that last one too, you only need a polarization filter to prove light is polarized. If the 'aether' works like water in a pond it is easy to see that this assumption won't hold. No light would ever be able to reach us from whatever point in space without being utterly garbled and distorted. Ever been under water and hearing sounds? They are muffled and it is impossible to tell where they came from.
Even if the medium would have to process high intensity light beams that cross each other, it would have to do so without delay of slowing down. All the waves would have to propagate unaffected. How would this tremendous amount of information be held and processed by this medium? And it’s not only light that passes through, other particles do as well, but they don’t play by the same rules. How can the ‘aether’ know? The more you think about it, the more ridiculous the idea gets.
Now let us consider the assumption light is indeed a particle. We can easily proof they can cross or traverse any point in space and each other’s trajectory at the same time, take two torches and shine their bundles through each other. No interference or whatever, they totally ignore each other, even if they are high intensity laser beams.
If light is made of photons, these particles will carry their own information about direction, frequency, and polarization wherever they go. When they travel through the same point in space, they will keep this information, regardless how many of them cross the same point at the same time, they won't annihilate, interfere, scatter or whatever.
The decisive answer is now very easy to give. Light can’t be waves in a medium because then we would live in an opaque universe and not be able to see anything sharp at all. Only if light is a particle (or wavicle, quantized energy package or whatever you like to call it) we can clearly see objects that are nearby and really, really far away.
If we can observe objects sharp and even see things like gravitational lensing from across the galaxy, this MUST mean something came from that point in space and kept almost all its information about direction, frequency, and polarization with astounding precision, so precise that when we stare at a distant star of galaxy the entire beam of light will keep hitting our eyes exactly in the same way, only blurred slightly by our own atmosphere (which also proves that a medium will alter trajectories of particles significantly). Not even the most powerful computer EVER deviced by man could calculate the trajectory of a single particle with this infinite precision and no approximation. No medium can mediate without distortion.
And don’t get me started about electromagnetism, which is well understood and has things like an electrical and magnetic component perpendicular to each other. How would you explain this with ‘aether’ theory?
I’m sorry to see that what I thought was a brilliant man is just another man gone hopelessly astray with pseudo-science.