I'm puzzled how people still believe in things like God and visiting aliens.
FTL travel is impossible. Why? Because you need to be massless to just travel at the speed of light! Anyone? The law that gouverns the way the universe works is the law of causality. One event causes the other. Information travels at afinite speed. Determinism. Locally. Ignore quantum mechanics for e a moment.
Teleportation, wormholes, FTL, time travel, all violate this basic law.
A wormhole that is created with onboard technology... Come on! It takes a black hole to distort space-time just enough to capture light, with what amount of energy would someone distort space-time to create a wormhole and how would you tell it which part of the galaxy you want to 'connect' to another part? Silly sci-fi gibberisch!
So taken into account the enormous distances between stars, the chances an alien civilisation in a galaxy that is billions of years old just 'peaks' exactly at the same moment as ours - how convenient - and the silly assumption that other life forms would be as obsessed with space as we do - oh and I forget, life forms on a slightly heavier planet than ours are gravitationally locked to their planet so only planets roughly the same size as ours can host space explorers...
Any idea how much energy you need to excellerate to a certain speed, only to start breaking at half the distance because you need as much energy to slow down not to crash into the place you want to visit? Any idea how to store that amount of energy?
Any idea how much energy it would take for 'them aliens' to go snooping around on our planet and play silly games with airplanes for no apparant reason?
We can only draw one conclusion: We will always be alone and never EVER meet extraterrestrial life forms.