In the sentence “There’s a giant leap of faith required to accept the currently-accepted answer to each of these questions.” I take it that the author is indeed making the point option 8001 is as full of assumptions as the other options, a statement I strongly disagree upon, and what my response was about. I would say it’s the only option that makes sense since life is so overwhelmingly complex that it MUST have taken billions of years to evolve, perhaps even longer if we take the possibility of panspermia into account. Thinking about a “god” that created life is utterly absurd if you ask the right questions, the questions I address in my list of trivia. So my response is right at the mark, I state my claim option 8001 requires no leap of faith at all, just the willingness to accept the fact that the process of spontaneous and random mutations and natural selection we see everyday around us has repeated over billions of years. The evidence is in the fossil records, animals that once roamed the earth are no longer with us and the animals that (still) roam the earth are not in the fossil records. “Look mom, no leap of faith required!”.