No please, let's do nothing. Let's go one wreaking havoc and pumping Carbondioxide into the atmosphere. Let's burn that last bit of charcoal, that last drop of oil. Humans have been around way too long, our species is a plague, killing each other and gazillion other creatures for thousands of years, not just killing (for food) but exploiting everything around us. Exploiting in a very literal, negative way and selfish way as if we own the planet, shifting into overdrive since the industrial revolution (when whale hunting became a very cruel and bloody trade). Humans should never have evolved, we're cruel but also sensitive beings, we suffer all the time, and in the process of relieving this suffering make each other suffer even more.
Let's hope and pray mankind will die out soon and there will never be an intelligent species here on earth again that will experience the endless suffering of mankind. The earth will be fine... without us!